Acid Reflux Relief Product Buyer’s Guide (updated September 2024)

Phytage Labs Acid Reflux 911 Review

There are many positive things to say about why and how we selected our second choice, which is called Acid Reflux 911 by Phytage Labs. We are familiar with this manufacturer who offers a wide range of supplements for a variety of ailments – this is always a very positive sign of a quality company who knows what they are doing. Starting with the pros, we found Acid Reflux 911 to be a quality product based on scientific studies utilizing probiotic bacteria that have been found beneficial for eliminating acid reflux symptoms. Prominent ingredients include Lactobacillus Rhamnosus, Lactobacillus Plantarum, and Bifidobacterium Breve. This combination is a great start for a good formula, but we definitely feel that it could be much better if it included other key ingredients that have been clinically shown to help acid reflux such as Melatonin, 5-HTP, Marshmallow Root or Folic Acid. Another small issue we did have with this product was that it does not have a satisfaction guarantee and comes with a fairly stringent return policy. If this is something that doesn’t bother you, then keep reading to find out more. 

Is Acid Reflux 911 Effective?

Given the good reputation of this manufacturer, the answer is probably yes. Although there is scientific data backing the ingredients in this product’s formula, the ingredients themselves are of questionable value to the utility of a proper acid reflux supplement. However, it is a different, and unique take on an acid reflux product. One of the best indicators of how well this will work is the feedback from people who have used it so we turned to actual customer reviews to see what people really think about it and how well (or not) it worked for them and whether they would recommend it. Unfortunately, this is where we hit a roadblock because we were unable to find more than one or two customer reviews, which is a real shame. We perused the internet and sites such as Amazon but still mostly came up empty-handed. This was not exactly what we expected to find, having previously known of the good reputation of this company. It was, unfortunately, quite a disappointing endeavor.

Is Acid Reflux 911 Safe?

We did not find any ingredients in this product that would cause it to be unsafe, such as uncertified stimulant ingredients or questionable herbs. In general, Acid Reflux 911 is deemed to be a safe herbal supplement if taken according to the proper recommendations. There are no reported side effects and it can be taken with most medications.


Acid Reflux 911 had a unique idea, attempting to approach acid reflux from a more digestive enzyme-oriented direction. Each of the ingredients contained in the formula are top quality and served in an effective daily serving for great results. We liked that the price tag isn’t so cheap it screams low quality, yet still affordable for those looking for long-term acid reflux relief. Our main issue is that it is a risky venture when attempting to change the usual style of formula for an acid reflux product. We could not tell the real world effectiveness of the product because of the lack of consumer reviews, but we believe that there are some ingredients which would have definitely added to its overall utility. We would love to have seen them add clinically researched ingredients such as Melatonin, 5-HTP, Marshmallow Root or Folic Acid, which have all been scientifically linked to helping eliminate acid reflux suffering. An effective formula would address both the root cause of acid reflux as well as address the symptoms and we felt that this formula definitely tackled the symptoms, however, we remain unconvinced that the formula addresses any of the possible root causes which is definitely a negative point for us. Other red flags for us were both the lack of customer reviews, and acute non-existence of a solid customer satisfaction guarantee. Any company that truly believes in their product, in our opinion, should be able to back it up with a proper guarantee. These aside, we know that this company has a good reputation and they manufacture many quality products which we find to be a redeeming feature. We feel that this product was almost there but would need a few tweaks to reach our prime position.     

What You’ll Discover:

Which Acid Reflux Product is the BEST BUY and comes with a great GUARANTEE!
Which formula and ingredients are the most EFFECTIVE and work the fastest?
How NOT to get ripped off! BE AWARE of poor quality and cheap products.

The Top 6 Items to Consider:

  1. Ingredients
  2. Cost Per Serving
  3. Product’s Testing Results
  4. Company’s Reputation
  5. Consumer Reviews
  6. Return Policy & Satisfaction Guarantee

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