Sally Harper
Senior Editor
Health & Wellness Advice
With each latest health supplement trend, manufacturers very quickly begin to create products that they claim are the best on the market or the most effective, even manipulating the facts to claim that it is the #1 consumer choice.
These wild claims are often not backed up with scientific support and with no real explanations as to why they have formulated their version of an Acid Reflux supplement in the way that they have or how exactly they work to help calm stomach acids and reduce heartburn, gas, and pain associated with Acid Reflux. To say the least, they are very vague.
It can be beyond confusing for consumers, not knowing which products are worth buying and which are worthless fakes. We felt it was time to carefully examine some of the products available, to discover more about which ones may be telling the truth and those that clearly you need to stay away from.
What We Uncovered
Immediately, we were able to spot those that were simply out to make a quick return and cash in on the latest trends versus the products that we consider to be high quality and effective supplements that will bring positive results.
In short, many of the Acid Reflux supplements contain ingredients that have no scientific or clinical support.
What’s more, their standardized proprietary formulas do not contain the same potency as they claim on their labels. Many companies even hide their labels or supplement facts which prevent consumers from better understanding what is contained in the formulas.
This is disheartening and quite frankly, misleading. Some companies think that by sticking a label on their bottle with the words, ‘Acid Reflux Relief’, without even stating exactly what is inside each pill and why certain ingredients have been added or not, is enough for consumers to want to buy their products. It simply is not the right thing to do.

Our Research
Our research identified key areas that we felt, raised concerns when purchasing an Acid Reflux product. With so many products out there, we felt that we needed clear parameters as to what to look out for when investing in an Acid Reflux supplement.
Will it be effective? This is perhaps the main concern for consumers, after all, why waste your money on something that is useless? Unfortunately, there are many products that simply don’t work, which is a real concern for many would-be potential buyers. Consumers need to be aware that there is a precise science in creating an effective formula.
Will it be too expensive for me to purchase? Our research uncovered many manufacturers selling Acid Reflux products for well over $100. People often think that by paying more, they will get better quality. This is not always the case. Don’t risk your hard-earned money on something that has a price which is overinflated and unrealistic.
Is the company open and transparent? For you to understand whether a company is simply exploiting the latest health trends, or whether the manufacturer is all talk and no action, you need to be consumer savvy in order to establish which are the best companies to purchase products from and which ones to skip. This means manufacturers have to be transparent and open, providing you with as much information and guidance as they can.
Finding Effective, Quality Acid Reflux Relief Supplements
OK, so….there are several key elements to look out for that can pretty much guarantee the product’s authenticity.
Monitoring by a Third Party: There are organizations that will independently monitor and track the reputation of a company and assess their customer satisfaction levels. A company’s reputation is incredibly important within the health industry, make sure you select a top provider, one that has an impeccable reputation and one that is backed by an independent third party monitoring organization.
100% Money Back Guarantee: Many companies offer you a money back guarantee if their products do not bring the results that you are looking for. Some are better than others. Choose a company who has a solid satisfaction guarantee. A strong guarantee demonstrates the confidence that manufacturers have in their products.
External Testing: This is not the same as a monitoring company. Third party testing substantiates and verifies the quality of the manufacturer’s product. It can be very expensive for manufacturers to undertake and even disqualify entire shipments of products that don’t reach the correct standards. That said, when manufacturers don’t have independent quality control and testing, there is no way of knowing if their products are effective, or indeed, safe.
Research On Acid Reflux Products
Thorough research takes time and money, which most people don’t have an endless supply of. So, we did the work for you, saving you both. We researched numerous Acid Reflux products to ascertain an in-depth analysis of what is out there on the market.
To determine those products that we could rate as beneficial, we looked to see if they contained the correct concentration and ingredients, how potent they were and their grade of purity. We eliminated products that we found to contain synthetic fillers, unnecessary ingredients and those that each pill showed inconsistency with each other.
However, that was not all, we didn’t stop there. We understand that facts and figures don’t always tell the whole story. So, we looked for real consumers who had purchased and used the products and asked them for their feedback. Their testimonials helped us to establish a list of the best possible products currently available based on the experience of real consumers.
Our Research Results
Basically, an effective Acid Reflux relief formula should contain top quality, clinically proven ingredients in significantly potent doses for optimal effect. Several clinical studies have linked Melatonin (taken at night time) to helping reduce Acid Reflux symptoms due to its ability to regulate the body’s rhythms and technically ‘close down’ acid production during the nighttime hours so you can awaken with balanced pH levels. Other noted ingredients which have been positively linked with reducing Acid Reflux include 5-HTP, Calcium, Folic Acid, and Marshmallow Root plus others.
Most products failed to pass our specific criteria.
There were some manufacturers who actually include some good ingredients in their formulas, however, fail to include the most effective and clinically proven key concentrations and ingredients for optimal Acid Reflux relief and support. While other manufacturers simply failed by using a weak potency of certain ingredients than what has been proven effective in scientific studies. Others filled their pills with unnecessary or synthetic ingredients, binders, additives or preservatives. All but a few of them avoided quality control testing.
We are very confident in the brands that we did pick. Given our stringent parameters and reasons for choosing our recommendations, we are sure our suggestions will help you achieve the results you are looking for.
Our Acid Reflux Product Recommendations
Our product recommendation stands tall against its competition, we think you will agree. The company’s excellent reputation, quality product, external independent monitoring, and testing, coupled with an incredible money back guarantee policy, makes this a good product to consider if you are looking for a quality Acid Reflux relief supplement.
Acid Reflux Report

Rating: Excellent

✓ Effectiveness
✓ Potency
✓ Money Back Guarantee
✓ Value
✓ Consumer Feedback
✓ Company Reputation
Approved Science Acid Reflux Support
If you are unlucky enough to be suffering from Acid Reflux and the painful symptoms it brings, then Approved Science Acid Reflux Support is something that deserves your undivided attention. Of all the Acid Reflux supplements currently available on the market, this is the one that deserves a closer look and very likely, the one that will change your life!
It contains the highest quality, clinically-proven ingredients for addressing the root cause of Acid Reflux as well as soothing the challenging symptoms. Each ingredient is handpicked and was the only product we found that contains Melatonin, a key ingredient for inhibiting the production of stomach acid. It does not contain any additives or preservatives and is totally 100% safe to use with no long-term side effects.
Quality: Approved Science Acid Reflux Support contains high-grade, 100% natural, clinically-verified ingredients that are GMP certified.
Reputation: Their reputation is top quality. This manufacturer has several third-party monitoring services, including buySAFE, Norton, and Trustee, as well as an A+ rating from the quality monitoring company QualityTrusted.
Money Back Guarantee: Every item sold, is supported by a 60-Day 100% Money Back Guarantee. Such guarantees from manufacturers show strong confidence in their products’ ability to deliver results. Great news for consumers.
What’s more, they are well known in the industry and an established company that provides great customer support service, secure and easy checkout as well as prompt, efficient delivery.
Their commitment to the health industry and consumer is excellent, providing further qualification of efficacy by producing their products in an FDA registered laboratory.
If you are looking for a product that ticks all boxes for eliminating Acid Reflux suffering, from an established reputable company with an excellent money back guarantee, this is the supplement for you.
It would be good to note that, due to high demand, Approved Science Acid Reflux Support is often sold out. To avoid having to back order, don’t hesitate to make that purchase when you see it in stock.
See the full review

Rating: Good

Phytage Labs Acid Reflux 911
Phytage Labs has released a good product for battling against acid reflux with probiotic ingredients that include the powerful Lactobacillus Rhamnosus, Lactobacillus Plantarum, and Bifidobacterium Breve strains. It comes in at second place on our list because, although the probiotic approach is innovative, it does not contain the usual and more reliable ingredients that are added to acid reflux formulas. While we were pleased to see that the ingredients are good quality, we were disappointed that Phytage Labs omitted Melatonin, Marshmallow Root and 5-HTP which have excellent clinical studies backing up how well they work. Overall though, we like this manufacturer and feel that they formulated a decent choice for our number two pick.
When reviewing this product, we were pleased to see a price tag that suggests quality – not cheap, but definitely affordable. We appreciated the fact they based their formula on a unique digestive enzyme approach to acid reflux relief, and that they included quality ingredients. Unfortunately, we felt that they were simply lacking some key ingredients that are backed by scientific research and their formula did not have many positive reviews that we were able to find. They could have definitely improved the kind of guarantee they provide also but we realize that a good guarantee usually comes with a manufacturer’s confidence in the results you will experience so that could explain why.
We appreciated the fact that this supplement offers a full month’s supply (30 capsules) and that the price is relatively affordable. It isn’t the cheapest we found but cheap doesn’t always mean quality so when it comes to good quality supplements, most of the time, you get what you pay for. We would like to have seen higher discounts for purchases of more than one bottle which can significantly lower the price that consumers pay for long-term digestive health.
Click here to read the full review

Rating: OK

Crystal Star Reflux Relief
This product is manufactured by Crystal Star and is formulated to relieve the discomfort so often felt when Acid Reflux occurs. We were happy to see that they use a selection of ingredients including one of our favorites, Marshmallow Root. They also included several digestive enzymes in their formula (Protease and Betaine HCL) which are well known to help break down food fast to help reduce stomach acid build up.
We liked the fact that this product is gluten and vegan-friendly but we didn’t like that it doesn’t contain Melatonin which can significantly reduce the production of stomach acid as it shuts down the body during nighttime hours. Another downside to this product was that it doesn’t offer any discounts for multiple purchases which is a shame because long-term Acid Reflux relief can take some time and is usually a lifetime challenge for many. While this doesn’t necessarily mean you shouldn’t buy the product, if you are looking for a cost-effective long-term solution, this may not be the one for you.
Since the company sells a variety of supplements and has some excellent research behind their products we definitely recommend you read out the full review for the big picture. However, the lack of any kind of money back guarantee (if you don’t experience the kind of results you are hoping for), was definitely disappointing. That said, we consider this a reputable manufacturer to order from. Just be aware that for this particular product we were unable to find any consumer reviews which are a great way to help balance the pros and cons of any given product.
Click here to read the full review